The Taradale Bridge Club has not had a permanent home for the last three and a half years. This has impacted on our activities and our membership. We are currently building new clubrooms, The Taradale Bridge Club and Community Hub, in Clyde Jeffrey Drive. Our members are very excited to finally have their own rooms again. We will enjoy being a fully functioning Bridge Club, able to host tournaments for the wider HB Bridge community.
The rooms will be available for other community groups to use. Currently the members of U3A mahjong group and the Napier City Country Music Club are looking forward to having a modern, warm, attractive venue. Once the building is complete we anticipate other groups joining us. This would not have been possible without the help of the Rodney Green Foundation.
It is with pleasure that we, the Taradale Bridge Club, acknowledge the great support the Rodney Green Foundation has given for the building of the Club rooms at Park Island. The Foundation was a major financial contributor that allowed our 300 sqm building to become a reality, for not only our club but a number of other community groups that now share our facility. Rodney was also great support in other ways including over the build period he would contact the club to see if he could assist in any other way. For example, he assisted with the costs of the outside decking as well as providing the paint for the foundations under the cladding, all without being asked, When your organisation is fortunate to get the Rodney Green Foundation assistance, their ongoing relationship and support is to be greatly admired and appreciated.
Ash Fitchett